Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Developing International Class of Mathematics in Indonesia

Education has an important role in preparing qualified human resources who competent and capable in the development of science and technology,  including mathematics education. Mathematics known as basic science, learning math will train critical skills, logical, analytical and systematic. In globalization era, mathematics education should be improved  to be international level in order to prepare human resources who have international competence.
Improving international level of mathematics education in Indonesia, there are steps that is taken by schools in Indonesia. They are : common school -> national standard school -> pionering of international bassis school -> international bassis  school.
When a common school had been national standard school it must complete eight pillars in national standard to be pioneering of international basis school. They are:
1.                Content standard
2.                Process standard
3.                Graduate competency standard
4.                Educators standard
5.                Facilities standard
6.                Managing standard
7.                Expense standard
8.                Education assessment standard
After 6 years, pioneering of international basis school is assessment again to be international basis school. Formula to determine is SSN + X, where X is plus value in each standards like social support, continuous expense, standards accountability and standards sustainability. Teachers’ accountability can be seen from teachers’ ability in English and in lesson study that can be seen by other teachers to make learning be better in the future. But in Japan, language is not accountability but the system is accountability. In another hand, sustainability is a continuously innovation.
Reaching international level in mathematics education can’t be cut from teachers role, they are:
1.    Changing teachers and students mindset to be international standard
2.    Learning new paradigms (teachers as facilitators, teachers as motivators, etc).
3.    Promoting innovations that have backbones education innovations
As a teacher, there are two things that should to consider to develop mathematics education. First, Teaching-Learning Mathematics Through English. Second, New paradigm of Teaching Mathematics.

a. Teaching-Learning Mathematics Through English

In Globalization era right now, english is an important thing. Many activity use english because english is global laguage. We can communicate with other people in other country easily by english. With good english, we able to compete in the global marketplace. So, If we can’t speak english we can’t be sucess. Because of that many international schools appear. In international school, students not only learn about science but also lern about english. In international school, teaching-learning process use english as a deliver language.
In other one, Mathematics also very important. mathematic is the mother of science. mathematic is used by other subject, such as biology, physics, chemical, and etc. As candidate of mathematic teacher, we must have ability to deliver mathematics through english. we are expected not only capable in Mathematics, but also have to be competent in english.
Teaching learning mathematic through english is not easy. We must have a good preparation for it. Because we not only learn about mathematics, but also must learn how to communicate mathematic through english. Communicate in english is a dificuly thing for some people. Because of that, we must have ability and skill, and also supported by a strong willingness and have a bravery. Confidence is an importance thing to teach mathematics through english.
There are a lot of capability that we need to be perfect when communicate mathematics in English. Because we will teach mathematics so we must know mathematical symbol and mathematical terms in english, We also have to know the basics of english such as speaking, reading, writing, expressing, listening, translating and presenting , we also need to expert in grammar, tenses, adjective, adverb, vocabulary and etc . With all of that we can know all words that we use and also understand the sentences. Then we can communicate mathematics in English fluently.
In the mathematics teaching-learning process through English, we should not use full English first. Because, not all students have good english. So, we can use billingual way, that sometimes used Indonesian and sometimes use English. The aim is to give mathematics concept first to the students. And after that we can improve english step by step.
A condusive communication is also an important thing in teaching-learning proses, we must make a conducive communication to student . By a condusive communication, it will be a condusive teaching learning proses. A condusive communication can start from simple things, such as greeting in the class before lesson by saying ‘good morning’, ‘how are you ?’, and etc. Giving a joke in the lesson also can build a condusive comunication. And also always smile with the students. There are some strategies in our teaching process , such as slower speaking speed, don’t rush., louder volume and project the voice, clearer utterance of the words, establish eye contact with everyone, and also full self-confidence
In the Mathematics teaching-learning through English, we will find many problems. As a teacher, we must be ready for it and make a good preparations before. We must always make a new things and a new inovation in teaching mathematics . and also we must increase our capability, Not only to increase our knowledge in mathematics, but also in English. As candidate of good mathematic teacher, we must improve our english and our mathematics, so we can communicate mathematic in English fluently. By good English and good mathematics. we able to compete in the global marketplace and we can be a sucessfull men.
b.      New paradigm of Teaching Mathematics
The teacher needs teaching paradigm of teaching mathematics. Is important for developing international class of mathematics in indonesia. Actually, There are two types of paradigm of teaching mathematics. The first one is old paradigm. In the old paradigm of teaching, the teacher’s knowledge is transferred to passive learners. So, there just one way communication, that is from teacher to student. So the student can’t improve their talent optimally. In a research, most teacher spend 75% their math time (closer to 90 persen for many) on paper-and-pencil drill, with students practising arithmathic skill in isolation from problem-solving situation. The absolute, necessary, and sufficient requirement for teachers in this context is complete mastery of the content. The classic classroom is the teacher lecturing and students listening. The students are silent, passive, and in competition with each other. It can cause Impersonal relationships among students and between faculty and students. If a teacher is still using the old paradigm, then students will not progress. The potential of student will lethal.
And the second one is new paradigm. The new paradigm of teaching is progressive teaching. In progressive teaching, the paradigm of education is to construct the student’s knowledge, by themselves. So, there is a reform from traditional teaching to progressive teaching with the new paradigm. In this teaching method, the student is similar with a seed that grow and blossom out. The teacher just facilitate the student as like a farmer. The final goal of progressive teaching is classroom based assessment which is much different from national examination . In new paradigm, there are a lot of ways for students to improve their skills. Students must interest in finding solutions of problems. Notice that don’t be afraid if you can not solve the problems. In mathematics, there are a lot of ways to solve a problem. If you still can not solve the problem, you can ask to your teacher. The teacher discuss the problem with the students until the student understand how to solve the problem.
The problem,  if we deliver mathematics for younger student. We need appropriate methods for child and is equivalent to children’s physicology . As an educator, we must be able to customize the content of mathematics with children's ability not to adjust children with mathematics. Mathematic for younger student also must appropriate with world of children. So, we must know about the aspects of world of children. If our mathematics is not matching with world of children, we can be underestimated. The implication is the teacher need to change the paradigm of teaching. we need to break the old paradigm about teach mathematics. As a teacher our paradigm must be changed from old paradigm become new paradigm. Because with new paradigm, student must be active in learning process to construct on build mathematics. Because constructing mathematics not only an adult (teacher) obligation but also everyone or by the other students.
Anonim . 2009. Pembelajaran Matematika dan ipa. From
P Tamba, Kimura. 2009. Pecinta Matematika. from,
Ratna Susiani .2009. Kajian Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (Sbi) Smk Negeri 2 Salatiga Dan Hubungannya Dalam Pengembangan Wilayah Sekitarnya

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